Composite Materials and Advanced Materials
What improvement in processing and manufacturing technique can lower the cost of composites?
How can composites be uniquely incorporated into aerospace platforms of the future?
How can composites be improved upon to reduce weight or the number of parts in aerospace platforms?
Can platforms such as UAVs be made of eco-friendly or using bio-degradable materials?
How can repairing of composite airframes or UAV’s be made less difficult and costly?
While composites make aircraft invisible to radar, what if regulatory agencies for example want to track aircraft such as UAV’s, how could this be accomplished?
Can composites and other advanced materials be manufactured in environments that do not require controlled temperatures (eg hot or cold curing processes)
Can materials be coated or processed in such a way as to improve their properties (eg aluminum-like properties from coatings to reduce cost of using aluminum)
Are their better ways to test the integrity and endurance of composite structures (eg non-invasive, less-labor intensive/automated tests, etc.)
Can composite materials be made to withstand high temperatures (eg aircraft flying over forest fires or the Antartic)